
We bring people’s love to God


Your gift will make room for you: there’s nothing like giving god back what he has already given you. We do this by becoming a “team player” team players use their gifts to glorify God and we provide an outlet @agapeverse for you to flourish and thrive in the gift god has given you. What better way to show God you love him then by using your gift to glorify him.


Your generosity shows what it is you value and what you prioritize. for where your treasure is, your heart is. and our mission @agapeverse is to get our hearts in a posture and in a position that is in agreement with God’s heart and God’s will for the lost and for this world. God wants to be first in our lives. God wants to be first in our hearts, and the way to put him first practically is by giving him the first 10% of our resources. We believe in rewards. and we’ve provided a way to celebrate those who give over and beyond. introducing “gold glove legacy” we invite you to the greatest party and reward show @agapeverse. Not only does it provide a way for your money to be blessed, but it provides a way for you to release your own blessing and love to god and be rewarded for it. Gold glove legacy provides an outlet for you to release your love back to God through giving.


It is easier than ever to become a member of @agapeverse. 15 min. and you receive access to the “go for gold membership app” which allows you to keep track of your own goals as you build victory points and grow in your own love for god. here you build your own avatar: choose your own goals: listen to the latest masterclass: & stay updated with all things (av) victory points give you certain rewards and prizes for your progress. go for gold and join @agapeverse!

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